After the celebration of Diwali, People from different parts of the country gather for Chhath Puja. Chhath Puja is a four-day Hindu festival dedicated to Lord Surya and Chhathi Maiya. It will begin from November 08 remain till November 11. To know more about this festival read the complete article What is Chhath Puja? Chhath Puja is an ancient Vedic ...

Their can be no better companion then a Brother. Their can be no better friend than a Sister Festive seasons are all around. People gather with their close ones to celebrate and create wonderful moments. Finally, after the celebrations of Diwali, it comes all about the love towards their siblings, annoying them and showering them with beautiful gifts on Bhai ...

Since yesterday there is speculation that Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram might get Banned in India from May 26 due to new Social Media Rules. Social Media Users were worried about this issue since yesterday. NEW SOCIAL MEDIA RULE: According to the New Social Media Rules, Social Media companies such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram will lose their status and protection ...

The Delhi Government on Sunday, May 23rd decided to Extend the Lockdown for one more week till 31st May 2021. Lockdown in the National Capital of India (Delhi) has been extended by another week despite a decline in the Covid cases and a dip in the case positivity rate. The Lockdown in Delhi has been extended till 7 AM on ...

All the essential goods & emergency services including medical, industries, e-Commerce will continue to operate, the rest of the other services will remain shut till 31st May 2021. The Government said, “Vaccination too will continue in this period”. The Ongoing Corona Virus Lockdown in Uttar Pradesh has been extended till 7 AM on May 31st. The Restriction, which came into ...