Places To Visit In Indonesia Other Than Bali | Travel | WeirdNotion

Alternative Places To Visit In Indonesia Instead Of Bali

Bali is without a doubt the most famous travel goals and one of the places to visit in Indonesia. Bali has modest flights, epic seashores, world-class surf, and stacks of exercises and places to investigate. It gets a huge number of visitors every day. The travel industry has made it seem the only ‘paradise’ in Indonesia. But Indonesia is comprised of around 17,000 islands and despite the fact that there are loads of activities in Bali there are a lot more places to visit in Indonesia other than Bali. With piles of stunning societies to investigate and exercises to add to your ‘to-do list’.

Here is the list of places that you can explore and visit while you are in Indonesia:

1. Komodo National Park

This epic National Park is stuffed brimming with mind-boggling undertakings. An excursion here is well worth adding to the list. Regardless of whether you’re cruising there from Lombok or simply hopping on a fast inside departure from Bali or somewhere else in Indo, Komodo has stacks to offer.

Scuba jump with manta beams, chill on the pink seashore and take in unimaginable island post focuses like Gili Lawa and Padar Island. The regular magnificence in Komodo National Park is something you need to find, all things considered.

2.Toraja, South Sulawesi

In the event that you’re searching for something extremely extraordinary, at that point, Toraja in South Sulawesi is unquestionably worth a visit! It has remarkable structure styles and a cooler atmosphere. It’s the ideal spot to investigate on the off chance that you need to get away from the moistness and warmth of Indonesia – particularly in the dry season.

The social attract to Toraja however is the interesting celebrations and ceremonies around their memorial services. The dead aren’t covered, yet positioned into expounding cavern frameworks. There’s a yearly celebration where they draw out the treated bodies, dust them off, put on something else, and have a tremendous festival.

3.Lombok, Indonesia

Lombok is the Indonesian island directly close to Bali. It is home to delightful sandy seashores, cascades, rice fields, and even a spring of gushing lava. It likewise gets less downpour than Bali does in the stormy season.

Lombok’s southern beaches are probably the best in Indonesia for waves. Despite the fact that Kuta is Lombok’s most-dropped by the neighborhood, you will be stunned at the protection and tranquillity that originate from the sheer absence of groups. Kuta is an extraordinary spot to begin, on account of its nearness to Lombok Worldwide Air terminal, trailed by pursuing cascades up north, trekking Rinjani fountain of liquid magma, and visiting the Gilis – three little islands off the coast with their own particular climates.

4.Thousand Islands, Java, Indonesia

Another area just a short good way from Bali is the Thousand Islands, a bunch of 110 islands in the Inlet of Jakarta. All of them have white sandy seashores and clear waters ideal for swimming and scuba jumping.

Elevon of the islands is accessible to sightseers. It implies that the number of inhabitants in the two local people and voyagers is spread out, making for a quiet escape. It’s the ideal goal in the event that you like to island-jump.


Lombok’s nearby neighbor, Sumbawa, is actually one of the least-visited places in Indonesia. Not exclusively is Sumbawa an astounding spot for surfing. This island is home to the still-dynamic spring of gushing lava Mount Tambora, just as cascades, perfect seashores, and wonderful blue waters.

Guests to Sumbawa will see the way of life as bona fide to Indonesia all in all, yet remarkable to the island itself.

The most ideal approach to arrive is to take a ship from Lombok’s east coast.

6.Morotai, North Maluku, Indonesia

Morotai is one of eastern Indonesia’s Maluku Islands. Strikingly, the island assumed a job in World War II, going about as an Associated base in the battle in the South Pacific.

Today, Morotai is home to innumerable plunging spots where scuba jumpers can see the marine assorted variety of the reefs and even swim with innocuous sharks.

Morotai is surely more tough and forested than numerous other Indonesian islands, however, the subsequent regular excellence is dazzling. What’s more, in obvious island design, the seashores on Morotai are flawless.

7.Lake Toba, Northern Sumatra

Back in time, a massively well-known place for Indonesians the fame of Lake Toba is on the ascent again and in case you’re quick to wander from the seashores and get among the way of life of Indonesia it’s an extraordinary spot to add to your schedule. The biggest Lake in Indonesia and the biggest volcanic lake on earth gloats and island the size of Singapore which is an extraordinary base to unwind.

Find progressively about the customary Batak culture with an excursion to the TB Silalahi gallery in Balige. Also, visit around neighborhood towns like TukTuk in Samosir Island. Here you’ll become familiar with the nearby lifestyle, put your moving aptitudes under a magnifying glass. Here you can even find increasingly about savage ceremonies of the zone!

Indonesia has always been much more than just visiting Bali. This place is something that would take you a lifetime to explore. Indonesia is one of the most secure Southeast Asia goals for solo female explorers. Yet, it’s consistently a smart thought to avoid potential risks and watch out for your things. The best and ideal opportunity to head out to Indonesia is during the dry season. From May to September the days are hot, dry, and there’s not a downpour cloud in sight! Indonesia is indeed a huge and very diverse country, with very friendly people. And it’s a much cheaper destination than any other place you wish to visit. No doubt, it is one of the most beautiful places in the world.