What To Pack? Checklist Before A Trip | Fashion | WeirdNotion


Preparing a checklist for a trip not only helps us to arrange things according to the priority but also helps us to see our progress and avoid the mishap of missing out on the most important details. One should always prepare a checklist before travelling it helps in giving us a clear picture of how the travel plan is going especially with the money matters. In this article, I will discuss what to pack a checklist before a trip.

Whether travelling alone or with a group of friends, packing is one of the most important parts of travelling. Irrespective of the scope of our travels, our luggage must contain the key objects without which we cannot enjoy a vacation to the fullest. We all become extremely excited when the moment for packing luggage comes but we also get worried that we do not miss anything out. So, in order to avoid this stressful situation and not allow anything to run a travels one should make sure that he or she organized the main luggage extremely well.

Below given is a what to pack checklist before a trip :

  • Clothes, depending on the weather
  • Belt
  • Undergarments
  • Socks
  • Umbrella, (in case it rains or to shield yourself from the bright sun)
  • Nightwear
  • Sunglasses
  • Hat
  • Shoes (which are designed for long walking)
  • An extra pair of slippers
  • Chargers (for both laptop and phone)
  • Travel pillow
  • Toiletry bag (as it is not recommended to mix clothes with creams and other items that might be liquid; which should contain the following)
  • Washing-items: shampoo, toothbrush, floss and mouthwash, shower gel, hairbrush, and other hygiene objects
  • Sunscreen
  • Solution and cases (for contact lenses, in case you wear any)
  • Perfume
  • Sewing kit and razors
  • Wet wipes and tissues/ toilet paper
  • Towel – to use in the bathroom or on the beach
  • Nail clippers

Health medicines

Health is the most important not only before, but also during the holidays. Therefore you should carry the necessary medicines in your luggage that will ensure you stay healthy and enjoy your trip:

  • Prescriptions, (if you are taking medication on a constant basis)
  • Medicine for cold/fever/headache
  • Allergy medicines, (if you are going to specific environments)
  • Vitamins
  • Thermometer

Personal items such as,

  • Mobile device and laptop
  • Tablet
  • Cameras
  • Books
  • Water Bottle

Important document

However, if one follows simple steps and organize their items based on the above-mentioned categories, he or she will definitely manage to include everything that is required without any hassle. One should always prepare a checklist before travelling it helps in giving us a clear picture of how the travel plan is going especially with the money matter.

So this was what to pack checklist before a trip.