Are skirts better than jeans | Must read | Style | Fashion | WeirdNotion


As seen each one of us has a different opinion, so the perception regarding skirts is better than jeans or vice-versa may differ from person to person. According to my opinion, skirts are much better than jeans. Although they both have their own benefits, such as if one is comfortable then others are not. But as per the survey ¾ of the girl’s support that skirts are much better than jeans. As seen that skirts are fashionable and girly which gives a cute look with any outfit. And also is much comfortable than jeans in summer.

The skirt is considered to be much more comfortable as compared to jeans in summer. As when it’s hot outside then wearing skirts feels cooler because there is more airflow. It’s easy to look great in skirts because one needs to have a smoking body to look great in jeans. The skirt is considered better than jeans as it is easy to put on and take off than pants or shorts. And also when one goes to the bathroom it becomes tricky to pull the jeans off as compared to skirts one doesn’t have to pull them off.

Here are some reasons why skirts are better than jeans :

More airflow-

In summer when it’s hot outside, then wearing skirts feels cooler. And there is more airflow as compared to the jeans or even shorts.

Versatility –

Skirts, as compared to jeans, are more suitable for any occasion. As one can from the workplace to the beach or to the mall while wearing skirts.

Less confining –

Skirts are considered to be less confining as one is able to move freely as compared to jeans where there is more confinement.

Comfortable –

Skirts are considered to be much comfortable as considered to any other bottom wear like jeans or shorts; one would never feel like being stuck in the outfit and there will be no itchiness with skirts.

Easy to go to the washroom-

When one goes to the bathroom it becomes tricky to pull the jeans off as compared to skirts. As one doesn’t have to pull them off.

Affordable or cheaper price –

When it comes to the skirt, it is considered much cheaper than buying jeans or shorts.

Gives a flattering look –

On most women skirts gives a flattering look. Because one needs to have a smoking body to look great in jeans. Skirts are considered way easier to put on and take off than pants or shorts.

Skirts disguise shorts legs –

Wearing skirts higher creates an illusion that the legs are longer. While shorts leg stuck in pants and not give a sophisticated look.

Skirts offer more pattern choice in comparison to jeans –

One may get colored jeans or floral geans but do they actually look good? As compared to skirts there are many variables, one just needs a good dressing sense and also a good cut.

Skirts are timeless –

Skirts are better than jeans because of their timeless nature as they never go out of fashion; as compare to jeans as denim trend change so often that our new pair of jeans might go out of style soon.

Above mentioned are some of the reasons why skirts are considered to be much better than jeans. We also see that jeans add nothing to the style and swing of a woman’s walk. Neither jeans increase the interest for the viewer nor do they give that lovely, sensuous feeling to the wearer.  When it comes to the skirt, it is considered much cheaper than buying jeans or shorts. Denim trend changes so often that our new pair of jeans might go out of style soon. As compare to skirts they are much better because of their timeless nature as they never go out of fashion.

A way to attract attention simply means one step forward to short skirts; flaunting legs under a short skirt has been interpreted as a form of feminine empowerment. Although it’s not that jeans are not good, but due to its limited benefits. It’s not considered as much better than skirts. As if one wears jeans then it becomes tricky to pull them off as compared to skirts one doesn’t have to pull them off. Also, the main point skirts are easily fitted to our size.


Hence concluding in the end, that skirts are much better than jeans due to its various benefits. Like wearing skirts create an illusion that the legs are longer, and offer more pattern choice in comparison to jeans. They are considered to be more suitable for any occasion and many more as listed above. And are fashionable and girly which gives a cute look with any outfit and also is much comfortable than jeans in summer. Therefore according in my opinion skirts are considered to be much more comfortable as compared to jeans.